#!/usr/bin/env python # Example SOAP client for the Mutalyzer web service in Python using the # suds library. # # See https://v2.mutalyzer.nl/webservices # # Usage: # python client-suds.py 'NM_002001.2:c.1del' # # This code is in the public domain; it can be used for whatever purpose # with absolutely no restrictions. import sys from suds.client import Client URL = 'https://v2.mutalyzer.nl/services/?wsdl' if len(sys.argv) < 2: print 'Please provide a variant' sys.exit(1) c = Client(URL, cache=None) o = c.service print 'Checking ' + sys.argv[1] + ' ...' r = o.checkSyntax(sys.argv[1]) if r.valid: print 'Valid!' else: print 'Not valid!' if r.messages: for m in r.messages.SoapMessage: print 'Message (%s): %s' % (m.errorcode, m.message)