/* Example SOAP client for the Mutalyzer web service in C# for the Mono platform. See https://v2.mutalyzer.nl/webservices Compilation instructions: wsdl 'https://v2.mutalyzer.nl/services/?wsdl' gmcs /target:library Mutalyzer.cs -r:System.Web.Services gmcs /r:Mutalyzer.dll client-mono.cs Usage: ./client-mono.exe 'NM_002001.2:c.1del' This code is in the public domain; it can be used for whatever purpose with absolutely no restrictions. */ using System; class MutalyzerClient { public static void Main(String [] args) { String variant; checkSyntax argument; Mutalyzer mutalyzer; CheckSyntaxOutput result; if (args.Length < 1) { Console.WriteLine("Please provide a variant"); Environment.Exit(1); } variant = args[0]; mutalyzer = new Mutalyzer(); Console.WriteLine("Checking " + variant + "..."); argument = new checkSyntax(); argument.variant = variant; result = mutalyzer.checkSyntax(argument).checkSyntaxResult; if (result.valid) Console.WriteLine("Valid!"); else Console.WriteLine("Not valid!"); foreach (SoapMessage m in result.messages) Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Message ({0}): {1}", m.errorcode, m.message)); } }